
Writing ActivitiesComics

Page history last edited by abogensc@... 14 years, 8 months ago


Pixton http://pixton.com/ (site used to create the cartoon with directions)

ToonaDoo http://www.toondoo.com/Home.toon

KerPoof http://www.kerpoof.com/

Stripgenerator http://digg.com/d11Cj9

Comic Creator http://www.readwritethink.org/MATERIALS/COMIC/

StripCreator http://www.stripcreator.com/

Make Beliefs Comixs http://makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/

BitStrips http://www.bitstrips.com/


Writing Prompts

Plinky http://www.plinky.com/


AutoMotivator http://wigflip.com/automotivator/ is for making printable motivational posters or parody demotivational posters. You choose the picture, colors, and text, and we make your poster. You can even get the poster you create printed at poster size directly from Zazzle.com with a single click.


Bookr form PimPamPum – Pulls in photos from FlickR, but allows students to create digital books online.  It’s an easy and amazing digital storytelling tool.  To find the embed code click Blog This.


Wordle - create word clouds Classroom ideas -Classroom examples

Similar to Wordle but can make shapes: http://tagul.com/


Digital Books

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